
RGA 29.04.2024

Demo Dagen Netherlands
After four years we were able to visit our sales partner Promatt´s DemoDage again. Many thanks to the Toebes family for allowing us to exhibit our HBE 90 deburring machine.

Spontan in the USA
We are pleased that our machines are now also producing in North Carolina. Spontan was able to supply an axle saw and a pipe saw with deburring. Additional machines are currently being manufactured.
Really hot
We offer our new saw blades with diameters of 315, 325, and 350mm with different numbers of teeth (60/80/100/128/140/160/180). The saw blades are made of a cobalt-alloyed high-performance high-speed steel (1.3243) with very high hardness and high heat and pressure resistance. The aluminium-titanium-nitrite coating has a very high resistance to hot hardness and oxidation. As a result, the layer system remains stable desite higher cutting speeds compared to uncoaded tools. This leads to a considerable increase in the service life. After production, each individual saw blade is straightened BY HAND, so that the side runout is minimized and the saw cut is characterized by a straight cut. We would be happy to send you an offer. Please send a short reply by email to


Retrofit high speed saw
For a customer who produces high-quality designer radiator, we brougt the mechanics of his 1995 machine up to the state of the art in 2012. At the end of 2020, the control cabinet, the control and the servo technology were replaced and put back into operation after a short conversion phase. From 2012 to 2020 our machine produced 48.159.116 !!! Pipes were sawn off and many radiators could be manufactured.

HRS & HBE 6.000mm
High-performance pipe saw with section lengths of 15 - 6.000mm and profile diameter up to 90mm with simultaneous deburring in the run. Additional special solution for short sections. These are transported to a vibratory conveyor via a Z-conveyor. From there, the short tubes are automatically fed to an HBE-8-1000 disc deburring system and deburred.

Retrofit HRS
For a customer who wants to build a new plant in the USA, we carried out a retrofit on his spontaneous saw built in 2004. The mechanics were overhauled. The two conventional length stops were replaced by a fast servo axis. All wear parts and conveyor belts were renewed, the saw gear and the roller feed were re-stored and sealed. The minimum quantity lubrication has been converted to our new nozzle technology. The control cabinet, control panel and control were completely replaced and brought up to the current state of the art. All cables have been renewed in accordance with UL guidelines and the control cabinet has been labeled according to UL. A new paint finish rounds off the retrofit so that the machine is ready for operation again in the long term. After commissioning at Spontan, the machine is now ready to start its journey to America.
The colleagues Murawski and Dziwinski ware able to set up a second CNC saw-deburring machine at DHV Stahlhandelsgesellschaft. The first Spontan machine was delivered in 2018 for cutting length of up to 4,500mm. The new short tube machine with cutting length up to 1,500mm and automatic deburring is optimally designed for short length. This machine in particular is characterized ba short set-up times and flexibitity and is ideal for steel dealers with a wide range of products.

Aufstellung HRS 340-6000
... sometimes the tubes have to be a little longer!
For a steel trader we manufactured and installed a high-performance saw with cut lengths of 15 - 6,000mm and profile diameters of up to 108mm.

New Planomat series
Our Planomat Z deburrer is now available with components and a control unit from Siemens.
The revised safety technology characterize our new series.
The Planomat is for the simultaneous deburring of both sides inside and outside of the pipes, profiles, rods with a maximum diameter of 120mm and a thickness of 20mm. The deburring speed ist continously adjustable.

New service bus
Now we are comming to you with our new service bus.
We are here for you!
Dear customer and partners,
Neuer Termin Tube 2020

3D - Koordinatenmessgerät
Unter dem Motto "Qualität ist, wenn der Kunde zurück kommt und nicht das Produkt" haben wir für unsere Fertigung ein neues mobiles 3D-Koordinatenmessgerät im Einsatz. Hochpräzise Messungen und kurze Messzeiten ermöglichen eine sichere Selbstprüfung und die Prüfberichte dokumentieren das Messergebnis.
Spontan we were able to demonstrate live a saw HRS-315 with loading magazine and deburring HBE-90. Various tubes were sawed unter the motto "we love heavy metal". Many thanks to Fam. Toebes for this succesful exibition and we would like to be there again.

Optimierte Sägeblattführung
Neue Sägeblattführung in der Schutzhaube integriert
mit Dreipunktauflage und Späneräumbürste variabel
für Sägeblätter Ø 460-560 mm
schnelle und einfache Einstellung

New saw gear box HSG
Especially for solid material
from Ø 60 to 165mm
for saw blades Ø 460-560mm
servo drive for linear feed
and saw blade motor (20kW)
We also offer used Spontan saw and deburring machines
See Second hand machines

We have moved!
From now on you can reach us in our new company headquartwers in Remscheid
Neuenteich 4 42897 Remscheid
New phonenummer: 02191 / 84902-0

Zeit für Veränderung
Neuer Standort Remscheid:
Wir freuen uns auf unser neues Gebäude. Wir werden den Baumschulenweg verlassen, bleiben aber am Standort im Remscheid.
Mit über 1000m² neuer Produktions-, Lager- und Bürofläche werden wir uns vergrößern und sehen damit positiv in die Zukunft.
Auch ein Werksverkauf unserer Muttergesellschaft Fried. Dick ist in Planung.
Die Außenarbeiten sind bereits fertiggestellt und nun werden innen noch die Büros und die Produktionsflächen erneuert, so dass die
Umzugsvorbereitungen bereits geplant werden.

Saw Expo 2018:
Die ganze Welt des Sägens traf sich erstmalig bei der Saw Expo in der Messe Augsburg.
Experten, Hersteller und Anwender tauschten sich über die ständig ändernde Welt der Sägetechnologie und ihrer Innovationen aus.
Spontan war mit einem Stand und auch in der Produktionslinie vertreten und konnte viele interessante Gespräche mit neuen
und bekannten Kunden führen und somit viele positive Eindrücke aus Augsburg mit nach Remscheid nehmen.
Die Messe wurde perfekt organisiert und wir hoffen, dass sich die Saw Expo etabliert.
Wir nehmen gerne wieder teil.

Tube 2018:
Ob kurz oder lang
... wir sind Spontan!
Spontan war wieder erfolgreich auf der Tube in Düsseldorf vertreten. Besonders stolz sind wir auf unsere neue Entgratmaschine HBE-5-25-MG1,die wir erstmalig auf einer Messe im Live-Betrieb präsentieren konnten. Die Entgratmaschine wird über einen Rütteltopf befüllt und kann besonders kurze Rohrabschnitte ab 25mm entgraten. Gerade diese „Problemrohre“ die durch das geringe Gewicht und die kurze Länge extrem schwierig zu entgraten sind, können wir nun problemlos entgraten. Auf der Messe wurden 25mm kurze Rohre mit einem Durchmesser von 6mm entgratet. Wir können so mit der neuen Zuführung ca. 14.000 Rohre/Std. prozeßsicher entgraten. Durch die durchdachte Konstruktion kann die Ausbringungsmenge der Entgratung sogar „Spontan“ auf bis zu 18.000 Stück/Std. erhöht werden. Das ist eine Leistungsausbringung, die seinesgleichen sucht und sogar führende Maschinenhersteller überzeugt hat, so dass diese unsere Entgratung in Ihre Fertigunglinie integriert haben. Der Messeauftritt wurde von allen Seiten als voller Erfolg gefeiert und steigert somit die Vorfreude auf den nächsten Messeauftritt bei der „Saw Expo“ im Juni in Augsburg, bei der sich Spontan genauso ambitioniert präsentieren wird. Wir möchten uns bei allen Mitarbeiten bedanken, die unseren Messeauftritt ermöglicht haben.

Fair in June 2018
SPONTAN exhibits at the international Saw Expo in Augsburg
The international fair "Saw Expo" starts for the first time from 19.-22.June 2018 in Augsburg. This fair is the new specisl interst trade fair of sawing industry. There the production Technology of saws is the Focus of Attention.
Spontan participates in the Exhibition "Saw Expo", because we believe that this fair addresses exactly the Areas that are important for our Company. We are sure, that the subject-specific orientation as a "special Event trade fair" from the machine manufacturer to the payee will aapeal to visitors in an completely new way and can play a very important role in the future.
SPONTAN Team is looking Forward to your visit.
"SPONTAN" good
The further development of the "SPONTAN" HTE-500-ES
spontan has further developed the "flying" travelling saw unit, the HTE-500-ES, for use on pipe welding systems and profiling systems. The saw unit is fitted with a "low play" high-performance saw drive, typical of spontan. The HTE-500-ES saw unit exhibited at the Tube & Wire trade fair in April 2018 (Hall 6/F 10), is possibel a 20 KW servo drive for the saw blade and a 4,5 KW servo drive for the saw feed. The saw unit was developed with its "own electrical control unit" which employs Siemens components. The panel is a Siemens KTP-700-Comfort with colour and touch display. The HTE-500-ES is designed for round pipes of approximately Ø10mm to approximately Ø120mm and profile pipes of approximately 20x20mm to 150x150mm. The saw feed and the saw shaft revolutions are immediately calculated according to pipe or profile dimensions and saw blade data calculated, as well as the clamping pressure for the clamping mechanism.
The new HTE-500-ES calculates the chip per tooth of the saw blade at different wall thicknesses. Example: a profile with wall tickness in the saw blade entrance of 8mm, then in the profile inside with 5mm, then in profile exit with 3mm. The optimal "chip per tooth" calculation would now be to recognize the different wall thickness, calculate and ajust the feed. We realized this exactly the same way, so the control calculates the desired feed exactly at these switching points. The increase in the blade life is given by.This complete saw unit can thus replace existing saw units without any electrical conversion being made to the profiling machine or pipe welding system. The existing saw unit can of course be used again. The new HTE-500-ES from Spontan is therefore unbeatable when it comes to flexibility. The cutting unit, the electrical control unit and the minimum quantity cooling lubrication system network system (from our own manufacture), can thus be used at various sites in a completely flexible way and is already equipped with all the elements required for internal company transportation. Only a separate cable set on the existing pipe welding system or profiling system will be required to use the new cutting unit from Spontan. Many companies have doubts, and good reasons, for not purchasing a new cutting unit. The reasons are, primarily, the very great financial expenditure required to date but also the technical options for converting existing profiling or pipe welding systems which are very limited, and only possible, if at all, with very considerable financial and technical expenses. These problems and considerations have been solved by spontan to perfection. With this new generation of the HTE-500-ES, the company spontan is looking to score on the market.
Complete item available on the saw exchange